
Where will Ron Paul supporters go?

“What if (Ron) Paul’s followers do not fall in line behind the eventual GOP nominee…?,” The Washington Post asks this morning.

“A significant share of Paul voters — 35 percent of those in a Michigan exit poll last week — say they would not vote for any other GOP candidate. And even as Paul’s rivals adopt some of his rhetoric, it remains to be seen whether his followers will shift their allegiance.

““I just don’t see it,” said Omer Rafi, 24, a college student and owner of a polo equipment company in Woodbridge. “The establishment, they marginalize not just Ron Paul but the supporters as well…Rafi was among 2,000 supporters who gathered for a Paul rally last week in Springfield, a characteristically large crowd for the candidate, who has gained renown by calling for the elimination of the Federal Reserve, a drastic reduction in the size and scope of government, a return to the gold standard, and an end to most U.S. intervention overseas,” the Post reports.

And it’s a fair question.  Primary voters are the most likely to vote in November, and they need a candidate who not only shares their small government views, but can run a viable, politically-oriented campaign like Paul’s.

Only the Libertarian Party can offer that, but only you can deliver it.

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