
Arizona LP sues over discriminatory voter registration forms

“On December 29, the Arizona Libertarian Party and the Arizona Green Party filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court, complaining about the new version of the voter registration card.,” Richard Winger’s “Ballot Access News” reports.

“The new version, mandated by the 2011 session of the legislature, says the two largest parties in the state should be listed on the voter registration form with a checkbox for each. But if anyone wants to register into any other ballot-qualified party, or an unqualified party, or as an independent, the voter must write in that choice in the “other” box and check that box.”

The Arizona Libertarian Party argues the form is discriminatory as it, like the Republican and Democrat parties, is ballot-qualified, yet voters may only register to vote as Libertarians by writing in the party’s name.

UPDATE: here is the complaint.

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