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S&P warn of looming double-dip recession

Democrat plans to raise taxes could push the United States into another recession, Standard & Poors warn. “The US ratings firm raised the chance of the US falling into recession to 25 percent, up from a 20 percent chance estimated in February, as the world’s largest economy struggles to recover from a severe 2008-2009 slump,” […]

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An update from the Rupert for Governor campaign

I’d just like to update you on the progress the Rupert for Governor Campaign.   Below is a photo of the completed wrap of Rupert’s campaign van with which he will continue to travel to all 92 Indiana counties brining the LP’s message of a smaller and  more tolerant government to Hoosiers. The campaign is completing […]

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Incompetent Obama still putting taxpayer on bailout hooks

“‘[W]hat we did with the auto industry,’ President Obama told a crowd in Colorado Springs, Colo., last week, “we can do it in manufacturing across America. Let’s make sure advanced, high-tech manufacturing jobs take root here, not in China,” The Washington Examiner’s editorial board writes. “For anyone who understands the nature of GM’s ‘success,’ and […]

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