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Conn. Libertarians open campaign HQ

“The Libertarian Party of Connecticut is planning on opening a campaign headquarters in Canterbury this month, something state Chairman Dan Reale called ‘a first,’” The Norwich (Conn.) Bulletin reports. The western office will direct efforts for U.S. Senate candidate Paul Passarelli and 5th District Congressional candidate Robert Lombardo, according to Reale. The Eastern Connecticut office […]

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Libertarians get boost as judge strikes down Virginia ballot law

A federal judge in Richmond has found part of Virginia’s ballot access law unconstitutional because it requires people who circulate petitions for third-party presidential candidates to be state residents,” The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports today. “‘The law places a severe burden on the plaintiffs’ freedom of speech and is not narrowly tailored to promote a compelling […]

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Panel of economists agree: Only libertarian ideas can save the economy

“We assembled five prominent economists from across the political spectrum. We gave them a simple task: Identify major economic policies they could all stand behind,” National Public Radio reports: “They did. They gave us five tax proposals — plus one change to the criminal code — that every one of them could support wholeheartedly, from […]

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TSA agents harass, abuse seven-year-old girl on crutches

Transportation Security Agency agents at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport took government goonery to a new low, singling out and harassing a family because of their seven-year-old disabled daughter. As the Frank family first entered the security line they explained to agents their daughter Dina cannot go through the X-ray machine, as suffers […]

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