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52% of investors believe the Obama economy is getting worse

52 percent of investors tell the polling firm Rasmussen Reports they believe the economy is getting worse, the firm’s new investor and consumer confidence reports reveal. “The Rasmussen Consumer Index, which measures consumer confidence on a daily basis, slipped just a tenth of a point on Friday. At 83.5, the Consumer Index is down four […]

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Root: Obama is ‘The Great Job Killer’

From LNCC Chairman Wayne Allyn Root’s “Root for America Blog“: Read this commentary and weep. Because I wrote it two years ago, almost to the day. I called Obama “the Great Jobs Killer.” It was published in my column in the Las Vegas Review Journal on July 4, 2010. See:–the-great-jobs-killer-97758294.html My commentary was quoted […]

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The Associated Press takes note of America’s growing libertarian streak in this feature story. Interviewing LNCC Chairman Wayne Allyn Root, Pauline Arrillaga writes, in part: Something’s going on in America this election year: a renaissance of an ideal as old as the nation itself — that live-and-let-live, get-out-of-my-business, individualism vs. paternalism dogma that is the […]

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Maryland raises taxes, millionaires pack up and leave

A new study finds Maryland’s attempt to raise tax revenue by hiking taxes on “the rich” has backfired, as the state’s wealthy job creators simply packed up and moved. “The study, by the anti-tax group Change Maryland, says that a net 31,000 residents left the state between 2007 and 2010, the tenure of a ‘millionaire’s […]

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