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Supreme Court upholds Republican-created individual mandate

The individual mandate forcing Americans to buy health insurance or be taxed, an originally Republican idea proposed by a Republican-allied think tank and championed by Republican politicians until 2008, was upheld today in a 5-4 U.S. Supreme Court ruling approved and rubber-stamped by a Republican-appointed Chief Justice. The individual mandate is a Republican-conceived, Republican-born, and […]

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Move to cell phones has campaigns moving back to door-to-door

Republicans and Democrats are beginning to discover what Libertarians knew long ago – door to door campaigning is still the most effective form of campaigning. Their top concern is polling.  As more voters ditch publicly-listed landlines for unlisted cell phones polling firms are finding it harder to collect representative samples. “I actually think we’ll go […]

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Supreme Court upholds free speech in elections

In a major victory for citizens who have normally been sidelined in political debates, the U.S. Supreme Court Monday struck down a Montana law prohibiting corporate spending in state political races, striking down anti-speech laws in other states as well.  The case in American Tradition Partnership v. Bullock. ATP-Montana State Coordinator Doug Lair stated, “This […]

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Obama’s autocratic abuses

Cato Institute vice president Gene Healy, writing in The Washington Examiner, lays bare the myriad constitutional problems with Barack Obama’s policy of bypassing Congress and ruling by decree. In a Rose Garden speech Friday, President Obama announced that per a “Homeland Security Directive,” his administration had called a halt to deportation proceedings for certain unauthorized […]

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