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78% of Americans concerned about inflation

“A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds 78 percent of American adults are at least somewhat concerned about inflation, including 49 percent who are Very Concerned,” Rasmussen finds. And the Libertarian Party is the only party with a plan to stop inflation.

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How and why yard signs work

Ben Donahower, of, writes in Campaigns and Elections on how to use yard signs to push your campaign over the finish line. Of particular interest to Libertarian candidates, he writes: In small races where a candidate isn’t campaigning much at all, the other candidate should frontend sign distribution along with the field campaign as […]

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Connecticut Libertarians break fundraising record

You can’t win elections if you can’t raise money. And Libertarians are getting better at raising money. “The Libertarian Party of Connecticut has raised $15,000  in the past few weeks, a record-breaking amount,” the Norwich Bulletin reports. “The party, known for its support of limited government, had never raised more than $10,000 in any single […]

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