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You might be breaking the law and not even know it

When running for office, copyright and trademark law may be the last thing you think about, but it could easily land you in legal, and certain public relations, trouble. Jennifer L. Elgin, a lawyer in the Intellectual Property Practice at Wiley Rein LLP in Washington, DC., explains five common mistakes campaigns make that land them […]

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Three in four support cutting back on government employee perks

The public has some advice for Libertarian officeholders looking to trim government fat — start with how you finance government employee benefits. 74 percent of adults favor “requiring public employees to contribute more toward their own pensions and health care,” and 24 percent oppose, a new Reason-Rupe survey of Wisconsin finds. “The Reason-Rupe poll asked […]

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How Strong Property Rights Promote Social Equality

Timothy B. Lee, writing in Forbes, says in part: In today’s poetic justice news, Star Wars creator George Lucas is planning to take revenge on his meddlesome Marin Valley neighbors. For years, he’s been trying to get permission to build a new studio in Marin County. But his neighbors wouldn’t budge, insisting that it was […]

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