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Is your campaign ready for donations by text?

“Text-message contributions aren’t allowed under federal law. But there are reports that firms are upping the pressure on the FEC to make a change,” professional fundraiser Erik Nilsson writes for Campaigns and Elections. While text-message contributions open up a new way for campaigns to reach out to voters and accept funds, there are hurdles. “Maryland […]

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Even Democrats giving up on the Obama economy

“Americans are growing more pessimistic about the economy and handling it remains President Barack Obama’s weak spot and biggest challenge in his bid for a second term,” the Associated Press reports. Only 31 percent of Democrats call the economy “good,” a new Associated Press-GfK poll finds. “Almost two-thirds of Americans — 65 percent — disapprove […]

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Free Direct Mail Webinar

Direct mail is the most cost-effective way to get your message out.  It allows you to communicate directly with registered, active, targeted voters, and for less than wasteful TV, radio and Internet ads. Find out how to make direct mail work for your campaign. Campaigns & Elections Webinar Presented by: United States Postal Service Date: […]

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