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Jobelessness worsens as more Americans give up looking for work
Democrats are hailing new government report showing unemployment has fallen to 8.1 percent in April. But the real numbers are sobering, and worrisome for millions of Americans. For one, in eleven of the last twelve months the initial unemployment figure has had to be “revised” to show it was higher than initially reported. So, in […]
Read moreSeven mistakes candidates make
Are you a Libertarian candidate, or running a Libertarian campaign? Joe Garecht, writing for, lays out seven common mistakes candidates make. Don’t fall into these traps: 1. The Candidate as Campaign Manager Many, many first time candidates make the mistake of trying to be the campaign manager and the candidate at the same time. […]
Read moreObama commits U.S. troops to Afghanistan until 2024
Barack Obama signed an agreement yesterday committing U.S. troops to Afghanistan until 2024. While an agreement to withdraw “combat” troops has already been in place, the new agreement commits the United States to provide military “advisers” and combat troops to fight al-Qaeda. That means a child who is six years old today could see himself […]
Read moreIf you’re talking about anything other than the economy, you’re wasting your time
If you’re a Libertarian candidate or running a Libertarian campaign, your voters have a message for you. Tell us what you’ll do to create jobs. A new Pew Research poll finds the economy and jobs are far and away the most important issue this year, with 86 and 84 percent of voters saying the issue […]
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