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9-11 truther, Marxist Van Jones snaps again, attacks Libertarians

Van Jones, the disgraced former Obama administration “green jobs czar” forced to resign after he it was revealed he was a member of several Marxist organizations and had signed a “9/11 Truth” petition, lashed out at Libertarians at a rally Saturday, The Blaze reports. Jones began his speech by citing his six months of work […]

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LNCC offering free candidate training

The Libertarian National Campaign Committee is offering a FREE professional candidate training seminar the day before the start of our Libertarian National Convention in Las Vegas.  That’s about one month away – on Wednesday, May 2nd. The content of this all-day seminar is tailored specifically for third-party candidates. But it is taught by professionals who […]

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Libertarian Mormons oppose Romney, cite church teachings

While Mitt Romney may be a Latter-Day Saint many of his pro-government policies conflict with traditional Mormon teachings, prompting one group to take their worries public. “The billboard, which will go up on Friday and is sponsored by libertarian advocacy group LDS Liberty, asks a provocative (to Utahns) question: ‘Why did Spencer W. Kimball say: […]

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