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Want affordable gas? Boot Obama. And the GOP.

Republicans love to blame Obama’s EPA for throwing up regulatory roadblocks to energy exploration and refining, arguing they play a role in the rising price of gas. They’re right.  Thanks to the fracking boom oil and gas drilling on private land is rising, but only because Obama’s power to block development on private land is […]

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With economy tanking, GOP splitting over focus on social issues

“With the Republican presidential contest dragging on longer than they’d hoped, party officials are urging the remaining candidates to refocus their debate on the economy and to put aside arguments over divisive social issues that party leaders fear could undermine GOP efforts to beat President Obama in November,” The Washington Examiner reports today. And the […]

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Are politicians trying to destroy the housing market?

Over at, Libertarian National Campaign Committee Chairman Wayne Allyn Root exposes how Republican and Democrat politicians are destroying the dream of home ownership. Root writes, in part: The damning evidence is in on two fronts: Housing continues to collapse to unimaginable levels. — The latest numbers are in from December, showing that home prices […]

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