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Even liberals agree with Libertarians on guns

When even Courtland Milloy, the reliably liberal columnist for The Washington Post, is calling for D.C. to legalize handguns, you know libertarian ideas are taking root. Milloy writes, in part: Robert Leroy Wright, 37, was walking his dog Sunday morning in Southeast Washington when police say he was confronted by a knife-wielding neighbor about “allowing […]

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Where will Ron Paul supporters go?

“What if (Ron) Paul’s followers do not fall in line behind the eventual GOP nominee…?,” The Washington Post asks this morning. “A significant share of Paul voters — 35 percent of those in a Michigan exit poll last week — say they would not vote for any other GOP candidate. And even as Paul’s rivals adopt […]

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The Real 1%: Government Employees

With Greece in flames, the United States’ credit rating downgraded and many cities and states teetering on bankruptcy, Libertarian National Campaign Committee Chairman Wayne Allyn Root takes on the real “one percent” looters: the bloated government workforce. Root writing for Fox News, states in part: The truth is that government employees are the true 1%. […]

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Survey: Republican, Democrat regulations killing economic recovery

The latest Wells Fargo/Gallup Small Business Index finds 85 percent of small business owners say they do not plan to hire new employees in the near future, with nearly half citing potential healthcare costs (48%) and government regulations (46%) as reasons. While that’s actually an improvement, it is still unacceptable to most Americans and not […]

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