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Obama’s bank controls mean higher fees for the poor

“Bank of America Corp. is working on sweeping changes that would require many users of basic checking accounts to pay a monthly fee unless they agree to bank online, buy more products or maintain certain balances,” The Wall Street Journal reports this morning. “The search for new sources of income is especially pressing at Bank […]

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60% of voters see no progress on economy. Libertarians offer a plan.

A Poll Position survey of 1,242 registered voters, conducted Feb. 12, finds only 38 percent of voters think the U.S. economy is getting better. Another 38 percent think the economy is becoming worse, while 22 percent say it’s staying the same. Among independent voters the numbers are even grimmer. A whopping 48 percent say the […]

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‘The Taxes Are Too Darn High’

Libertarian National Campaign Committee Chairman Wayne Allyn Root exposes the truth about government’s spending addiction. In this new video, Wayne dissects Obama’s fraudulent claims about spending and taxes, tells the truth about government spending, and tells you why only the libertarian solution can stop the damage out-of-control spending is doing to our economy, our nation […]

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Only Libertarians can defuse the public pension ‘bomb’

United Liberty writes today on the looming public pension bomb, when the lush retirement packages being handed out to government employees will overwhelm taxpayers and bankrupt state and local governments. These facts should stop dead any further pushes to defend and keep public pensions sacrosanct. The left and public unions may get up and toot […]

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