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Obama’s phony ‘cuts’

With just 10 months until he faces re-election Barack Obama’s rhetoric has rediscovered the virtues of small government, speaking of reducing spending and narrowing deficits. But does Obama’s rhetoric of spending cuts match the reality of his proposed budget? Come on.  We’re talking about Barack Obama. Cato @ Liberty’s Tad DeHaven points out just some […]

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Should you put QR codes on campaign material?

Political consultant Ben Donahower, writing in Campaigns & Elections magazine, answers in part: The most common mistake campaigns make when designing a yard sign is adding too much stuff. Your average voter doesn’t spend more than a few seconds looking over a direct mail piece, so imagine how little time that same voter spends on […]

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Libertarians expose crony capitalism on Valentine’s Day

Libertarian students at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs are using Saint Valentine’s Day to expose the unhealthy relationship between business lobbyists and Big Government, handing out candy grams, stickers and information sheets to students and discussing the pressing issue of crony capitalism. 250 Libertarian students groups are hosting National Expose Cronyism Day. “This […]

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‘Mr. Obama, we don’t have a tax problem, we have a spending problem’

Libertarian National Campaign Committee Chairman Wayne Allyn Root, writing this morning for Fox News about Obama’s plans to use redistribution to bankrupt his opposition and reward his supporters, says in part: “Our government is addicted to spending. It doesn’t matter what the tax rate is. It doesn’t matter how high the tax revenues. We could […]

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