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Under Dems & GOP, the welfare state continues to consume your income
“More than one in three Americans lived in households that received Medicaid, food stamps or other means-based government assistance in mid-2010,” CNN reports Tuesday. “And when Social Security, Medicare and unemployment benefits are included, nearly half of the nation lived in a household that received a government check, according to the analysis of third-quarter 2010 […]
Read moreWhy are independent voters turning libertarian?
Aside from the fact we’re right on everything 100% of the time. Matt Welch looks at the growing phenomenon of independent voters backing libertarian candidates in this month’s issue of Reason. He writes, in part: But even after the initial Iowa caucuses, exit polls showed something extraordinary: Independents are making up for the enthusiasm gap […]
Read moreElected Libertarians: Topeka, Kan. City Councilman Andrew Gray
“My name is Andrew Gray and I am a proud lifelong Topekan. “I am a 42 years old father of two. I have been employed in Topeka at AT&T for thirteen years as an Order Support Specialist. “I am actively involved in the Libertarian Party and was elected to the position of Chairman of the […]
Read moreOklahoma nannystater targets ‘violence’…with force and redistribution
Why do we need Libertarians in state legislatures? For one, to stop government bullies from using bullying to stop bullying. Follow me, here. Unfortunately-named Oklahoma State Rep. William Fourkiller believes video games are responsible for obesity, violent behavior and bullying among kids, and he’s going to do something about it. The Stilwell Democrat is proposing […]
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