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Elected Libertarians: West Covina, Cali. Treasurer Marian Smithson

Marian Smithson is the Treasurer for the city of West Covina in Los Angeles, California since 2009. She graduated from UCLA with a BS in marketing and became a Certified Public Accountant. In the past, she was the treasurer for her Homeowner’s Association and the 2100 Club (a hospital support organization). Smithson was also president […]

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CBO reports ObamaCare and other welfare spending will implode economy

A ticking time bomb threatens to destroy the United States’ economy, and your economic freedom. “The cost of government healthcare programs will more than double over the next decade, the Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday,” The Hill reports. “CBO’s economic outlook predicts that federal spending on Medicare, Medicaid and other healthcare programs will climb to […]

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Think outside the box when it comes to expanding your vote total

Let’s face it.  Since they’re not professional politicians most Libertarians underperform because they are outgunned, outmanned and don’t understand the mechanics of turning out the vote. That’s why Libertarians need to think outside the box and get innovative when it comes to identifying the number of votes needed to win their election and then identifying, […]

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Libertarians mark School Choice Week, aim to improve education

Libertarian National Campaign Committee Chaiman Wayne Root, writing for, notes in part: “..this is National School Choice Week and all of that terrible economic news is child’s play (excuse the pun) compared to our failing government-run education system… …The failure of our public school system condemns millions of young Americans to a future with […]

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