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Wayne Root’s “ROOT RANT” Video Commentaries Coming to

Former Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee, LNCC Chairman, best-selling author, and national media personality Wayne Allyn Root just announced a weekly column at titled “CAPITALIST EVANGELIST.” Now Wayne has another high-profile deal to announce. Wayne has agreed to become a video columnist and commentator for the Personal Liberty Media Group. was founded in 2008 […]

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Elected Libertarians: Glendale, Colo. Mayor Pro Tem Mike Dunafon

A Colorado native, Mike Dunafon is currently the Mayor Pro-Tem of Glendale and has chaired the Planning Commission for the City for the past 10 years. Mr. Dunafon is the City’s alternate representative to the Denver Regional Council of Governments and sits on several boards including Cherry Creek Transportation Solutions, the Glendale YMCA and the […]

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ACLU files brief in Perry suit challenging Virginia ballot access obstacles

The ACLU has filed an amicus brief in a lawsuit challenging Virginia’s onerous ballot acces rules brought by Texas governor and Republican presidential primary candidate Rick Perry, Richard Winger’s Ballot Access News reports. Virginia law requires a candidate seeking a slot on a statewide ballot to secure 10,000 signatures, including at least 400 from each […]

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