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Vote nears on repealing New Hampshire’s marriage equality law

The New Hampshire House of Representatives is set to take a monumental vote in the coming days — whether or not to repeal portions of state law recognizing same sex marriages. “No date has yet been scheduled for the vote on legislation to repeal New Hampshire’s same-sex marriage law, but the state House of Representatives […]

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Arizona LP sues over discriminatory voter registration forms

“On December 29, the Arizona Libertarian Party and the Arizona Green Party filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court, complaining about the new version of the voter registration card.,” Richard Winger’s “Ballot Access News” reports. “The new version, mandated by the 2011 session of the legislature, says the two largest parties in the state should […]

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You’ll put your eye out! Penn. town shows why we need Libertarians

Officials in Beaver Borough, Penn. have outlawed non-residents from sledding in its parks, and even required all sledders under 12 to wear helmets. In other words, it’s illegal for your kids to invite some of his friends to go sledding. “We are keeping the taxpayers dollars in the community by asking that only taxpayers sled […]

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