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Nearly 3 million voters abandon GOP, Dems

“More than 2.5 million voters have left the Democratic and Republican parties since the 2008 elections, while the number of independent voters continues to grow” USA Today reports. USA Today analyzed voter registration tends in the 28 states that register voters by party. The number of registered Democrats dropped in 25 and the number of […]

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Job creators: How Obamacare is killing jobs

Why is our economy failing to turn around?  Why are job creators having problems creating jobs? One word.  ObamaCare. Three of the nation’s larger employers sat down with journalist John Stossel on his Fox Business Channel program.  Stossel describes the interview for Reason magazine. You may watch the interviews here. Brad Anderson, CEO of Best […]

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$40 for two months, or one year? Why not just abolish payroll taxes?

Reason magazine editor Nick Gillespie lays out the case for eliminating the payroll tax, which is currently being used as a $40 campaign gimmick.  Read the full post here. …Let’s stop the fiction of “payroll taxes” altogether. FICA taxes are sucked out of every dollar of earned income from dollar one through around $110, 100 […]

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Elected Libertarians: Winter Haven City Commissioner Jamie Beckett

Jamie Beckett is the Seat 4 Commissioner for the city of Winter Haven, Florida. Beckett is a commercial- rated pilot, flight instructor and aircraft restorer. He grew up in Connecticut but moved to Winter Haven in 1991. He also served five years on the Winter Haven Code Enforcement Board. After being elected to Seat 4 […]

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