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Poll du jour: Distrust of government at near-record levels

New polling shows near-record levels of Americans of all political beliefs agree with the Libertarian Party that Big Government is the most critical threat to the nation. “Americans’ concerns about the threat of big government continue to dwarf those about big business and big labor, and by an even larger margin now than in March […]

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Gary Johnson: “The Libertarian Party is more in tune with the American electorate…”

Successful former New Mexico governor and current Republican presidential candidate Gary Johnson took part in a Santa Clara University forum on tax policy Friday, where the topic then turned to the Libertarian Party. AllVoices reports Johnson says by shutting out its libertarian voices, “The Republican Party is abandoning a lot of the electorate. The Libertarian […]

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More Ohio Libertarians throwing their hats in the ring

Three more Ohio Libertarians have added their name to the growing list of Libertarian candidates in 2012. In Wood County, Libertarian Nathan Eberly filed for Ohio’s 3rd District State House seat and Libertarian Eric Eberly has filed to run for Congress in Ohio’s 5th District, the Toledo Blade reports. “We have seen a very contentious […]

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