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2011 Libertarian election results are up

LNC staff have posted a spreadsheet where interested citizens can see for themselves the results of Libertarian campaigns in 2011. You can see it here. In all, 28 Libertarians were elected, or re-elected, to office, including six in partisan races. Go here to chip in $10 or more to support Libertarian candidates. Go here to […]

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Poll du jour: Voters reject ‘Occupy’ movement, divided on Tea Party

“A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 39% of Likely U.S. Votes hold at least a somewhat favorable view of the Occupy Wall Street protesters while 55% have an unfavorable view,” according to a Nov. 28 Rasmussen Reports poll. “For the Tea Party activists, the numbers are more evenly divided: 44% favorable and […]

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Elected Libertarians: Madison, Ala. City Councilman Tim Cowles

Tim Cowles was elected in 2004 to represent the citizens of District 4 in Madison City, Alabama. He works for the Missile Defense Agency as a system engineering project lead. Tim is a former Army Officer, having gone through ROTC at Vanderbilt University where he got his Bachelor of Engineering degree. He served both in […]

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