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Libertarian election results

Libertarian National Committee staff report the following among the results of yesterday’s election in a handful of states. [November 9, 9:22 am ET] Libertarian Jerald Robertson won one of two seats on the Elmwood Place Village Council in Ohio. (All three candidates were write-ins.) [November 9, 9:15 am ET] Libertarian Joe Calfo was elected to […]

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It’s Election Day!

It may not be 2012, but Libertarians across the country are on the ballot today. Click here for a list of Libertarian candidates running today. Voters in Indianapolis’ 24th City-County Council District will be voting on their councilor.  Incumbent At-Large Member Ed Coleman, a Libertarian currently representing nearly one million people, is seeking re-election from […]

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Tomorrow is Election Day, and politicians target Libertarian incumbent with dirty tricks

A message from Indianapolis and Marion County City-County Councilor Ed Coleman Jack Sandlin and the Marion County Republican Party are trying to deceive the voters of Perry Township in their latest attack against City-County Councilor Ed Coleman. Freedom Fest is a large gathering of enthusiastic libertarian individuals every year in Nevada. The campaign invested a […]

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