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Ken Moellman wants to chat with you

Ken Moellman, Libertarian nominee for Kentucky State Treasurer, speaks directly to you about the race, his qualifications and his plans for the office in a new series of YouTube videos. Go here to Ken’s YouTube channel,, to hear directly from him. Go here or to to help Ken on Tuesday by chipping in […]

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Ed Coleman needs you!

It’s time! That’s right! With a little under 2 weeks left until the election we need all hands on deck. If you haven’t volunteered your time for Ed now is the time! Please Email OR Look on our Facebook Page for volunteer opportunities! We need all the help we can get, to make sure […]

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Libertarian candidates, incumbents face voters in seven days

Libertarian candidates across the country face voters in seven days. Can you help them out? In Kentucky, Ken Moellman is running for State Treasurer on a platform of efficiency, taxpayer savings and abolishing the office entirely — as many other states such as Texas have already done.  A strong showing in that race helps build […]

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