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Poll du Jour: Americans not happy with either Obama or GOP field

• 4 percent of Americans say they would be “enthusiastic” if Mitt Romney is elected president. • 17 percent would be “pleased,” 38 percent “neutral,” 19 percent “displeased” and 14 percent “scared.” • 8 percent of Americans say they would be enthusiastic if Herman Cain is elected president. • 15 percent would be “pleased” 32 […]

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Winning elections with automated phone calls

“Telemarketing is the most popular, dynamic, and effective marketing technique available.” “A recent study of the telemarketing efforts of the FORTUNE 1000 indicates that companies with telemarketing plans continuously outperform companies that do not reach out to their customers by telephone,” communications firm CMS Connects reports. It works for political campaigns, too. And for just […]

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Direct mail tips for a winning campaign

Dollar for dollar, direct mail is the single most effective form of mass political communications. Unlike TV or radio you can directly target individual registered, active voters with direct mail, instead of wasting thousands of dollars airing an ad to tens of thousands of people who don’t vote, aren’t registered or don’t live in your […]

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Editorial: Wisconsin could use more of what Ed Thompson brought to politics

The Wisconsin State Journal and Capital Times, writing in an editorial this morning, memorialize Libertarian mayor and Wisconsin gubernatorial candidate Ed Thompson, the brother of former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson: Ed Thompson may well have been the most beloved gubernatorial candidate who never became governor in Wisconsin history. It wasn’t just that Thompson, who died […]

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