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Obama economy continues to crumble as factory orders drop, jobless claims rise

“Orders placed with U.S. factories fell in August by the most in more than three years,” Bloomberg News reports.  And “(t)he number of Americans filing first-time claims for unemployment insurance payments rose last week…” The facts speak for themselves, as Americans find their economic fortunes getting worse under Obama. “The 5.2 percent decrease in bookings […]

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Employers: Government kills jobs

• 84 percent of U.S. small business owners and manufacturers say Congress should be held responsible for the impact of federal regulatory actions. • 67 percent say there is “too much economic uncertainty” for their company to expand, grow or hire new workers. • 65 percent say new federal regulations have increased in recent years. […]

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Government employees ready to gobble up the economy

Any perceived economic gains made in the last four years will more than be wiped out by the looming public pension crisis, The Washington Examiner‘s editorial board writes Sunday. They write, in part: State and local governments are getting squeezed ever more tightly and something is going to have to give. They will be forced […]

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Obama overturns U.S. law, uses tax dollars to arm kidnapped child soldiers

“(F)or the third year in a row, Obama has waived almost all U.S. sanctions that would punish certain countries that use child soldiers, upsetting many in the human rights community,” Foreign Policy magazine reports. “Late Friday afternoon, Obama issued a presidential memorandum waiving penalties under the Child Soldiers Protection Act of 2008 for Libya, South […]

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