
Job creators back Libertarian principles

• 71 percent of U.S. small business owners think the economy is still in recession.

• 61 percent say health care/Medicare is the “business issue” that will have the greatest influence on their presidential election vote.

• 57 percent cite jobs and unemployment; 47 percent cite the federal debt.

• 60 percent say health care reform will “negatively impact” their businesses.

• 27 percent say economic uncertainty is the most significant challenge they have faced in the past two years.

• 20 percent would lower taxes if they were “U.S. president for one day”; 17 percent would reduce regulations; 15 percent would solve health insurance issues.

Source: A U.S. Bank “Small Business Annual Survey” of 3,220 small business owners in 25 states conducted March 1 to April 1 and released Wednesday, reported by The Washington Times’ Jennifer Harper.

The only party 100% committed to tax reduction and repeal of ObamaCare?

The Libertarian Party.

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